Friday, July 18, 2008

Getting ready to put up the lintels

As you can see from this picture we're almost ready to put the lintels over these three windows (the 12th course!)... gotta find someone to help me with this "heavy lifting"... I don't think I can pick one of these 8" X 8" X 64" lintels up by myself and position it 8' in the air (I'm sitting on a stack of 6 lintels).
The two opening at this end of the house are a more problematic as the sill on the far left window is a bit too high & needs to be adjusted down... and the wall to the right of the window next to the door opening is not plumb (laid without a string... doh, Dave!) and needs to be partially torn out and relaid... UGH!I spoke with David Musser today and arranged for him to bring "his crew" (Shane & Tracy) to help me build the south "stick built" wall and to put the trusses, sheeting, roofing felt and tin on. We could be "dried in" in three weeks or so!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

How exciting :) It's starting to look more and more like a house!