Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Almost 2/3s finished... YEA!

I was able to get course #10 glued today with white adhesive (west wall) and course #11 ready to glue tomorrow. The jagged short wall at the south end of this west wall will be sawed off vertically when all the courses are complete. The end of the traditional wood frame south wall will then be anchored (screwed) to it.
If you look closely you can see I'm holding the rebar that I dropped down this hole in the NW corner. The 3" hole I bored will eventually be filled with a loose concrete mix forming a concrete/steel post. These holes ("posts") are approximately every 4' in the AAC wall and get tied into the top bond beam. Now the problem is how do I get the rebar out of the hole until I'm finished laying block? I should have thought of that before I dropped it 8' down the hole ... doh!This is the view out Alexis' "kitchen window" looking the 200' up our driveway to St Mary's Lane. Over to the right is the tin for our ceiling... I'll explain that in a later post.My helper (Baxter) taking a break from guard duty... what a GREAT dog!:

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