The roof was still too wet to get up on and finish the flashing and ridge cap today so Kim (Campbell) hung the red front door and the door that will eventually open onto our back deck from the living room (remember to keep thinking light gray stucco covering the messy block work... it's no wonder that I FIRED the block mason (ME)!).

And here's the back door that will open onto our future deck (Kim and I also checked the level on all the back windows so tomorrow I'll finish securing them with galvanized finishing nails):

Kim and I also moved the "Jacuzzi" brand garden tub into the master bath this afternoon and I began to lay out the bottom plates for all the interior walls (see 2" X 4"s on the floor). I don't like the color of the tub (brown) but it's in perfect condition and we got it for FREE when Alexis and I picked up our kitchen cabinets in Ellijay, Georgia about 18 months ago. New it would be about $1,500.

It looks like rain tomorrow so Kim won't come back until Monday. I'll spend the day laying out the bottom plates and tying up loose ends inside.
Jacuzzi. Well, I guess. If you like that sort of thing. I've never been in one. Just can't bring myself to think that an electric bathtub is something I want to get into. I like the red front door better.
Looks great! You can have the tub resurfaced in another color if you want to. Can't beat free :)
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