Saturday, March 29, 2008

Rainy Days

We woke up this morning to dense Sewanee fog (very common on the Cumberland Plateau) and drizzle. We got a call from helper David who had to beg off working today anyway due to his ill 5-year-old son. Later in the morning, Alexis' mom had an episode of dizziness at the Monteagle pharmacy. The store clerks noticed she was having a problem and offered assistance (she'd been standing in line at the post office, then stood in front of the greeting cards at CVS looking for a card for a dear friend... just too much time on her feet). Some very nice folks from Sewanee got her back home, where she called us. As Ruth is 86 & VERY frail (you can knock her over with a feather) the episode was very scary for Alexis. Alexis stayed with her for awhile and she felt better after some tomato soup and rest.

So nothing got done today on the house between the weather and Alexis' mom. Monday morning the front-end loader will put the gravel in the "swimming pool."

I did have a brilliant idea, however... I'm going to reuse my concrete forms to build a storage building... I just love it when you can recycle in a personal and practical way.

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