I had hoped Aaron could come again today and help finish stapling the ceiling but he was under the weather so Alexis and I spent the afternoon finishing sheet rock by ourselves... she sanded while I did a number of corners and worked on the wider joints. Hopefully Aaron will be feeling better tomorrow and we can get the stapling finished up and some more sheet rock hung. We're completely finishing the sheet rock here and there to facilitate our moving in (some hanging, some partial finishing, some complete finishing). We want to get the kitchen and utility room finished so we can move in the cabinets for those rooms (and the kitchen appliances). The storage building is so full that until we get the aforementioned stuff into the house moving will be very difficult (things like our new bed are not accessible because they're behind the cabinets and appliances). Here is a picture of the south & east kitchen wall (the soon-to-be home of the propane cooking stove - see the propane pipe sticking out near the floor - and the refrigerator - see the wall outlet and water hookup for the ice dispenser). As you can see the ceiling is sagging a little bit because we haven't finished the stapling.

This is the east and north wall in the kitchen (directly opposite the picture, above)... the sink will go under the window with the dishwasher to the right of it... the opening in the wall is for the plumbing for the sink/dishwasher.

This is the east and north wall in the utility room. The dryer will be in the corner with counter space and lower cabinets to the right and a floor to ceiling cabinet next to that. Wall cabinets will be on the wall above the dryer and lower cabinets. These are very substantial cabinets albeit very plain (perfect for the utility room) that came out of a remodel at Vanderbilt medical center in Nashville.
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