Aaron helped me again today. We had planned to rent a sheetrock jack (it's a gadget that lifts the panel - usually sheetrock but in our case the roof tin - up to the ceiling joists so it can be attached hands free. Unfortunately, both rental places in Winchester were closed and we'll have to wait until Monday to rent the jack. Trying to make lemons into lemonade we hung sheetrock on the walls all day. I needed the sheetrock hung anyway so the roofing tin could be butted to it. I'm hoping that Monday and Tuesday Aaron and I can get the ceiling up using the jack because on Wednesday he leaves for two weeks in Louisiana for a roofing job. Here are me and Baxter at the end of the day standing in the master bathroom door.

This is Baxter in the living room heading for his bed (this is the west wall of the living room... all it lacks is a 1' X 4' piece of sheetrock over in the "reflective" left corner):

All of the exterior walls in the house are covered in the foil insulation (like around the kitchen window)... AAC blocks at R-16 + foil at about R-15 = approx R-30+. We can't hang the lower sheetrock panel in the kitchen until the water pipes are tested tomorrow in the main plumbing wall:

The office... same here... we can't hang the lower panel until the tub is installed as we need access to hook it up and set it:

Howell King is coming tomorrow afternoon to hook up my water system inside the house (we've had water to the house for months but I just finished gluing the pipes together last week for the inside house system). This morning Howell was here for a little while and got our electricity hooked up so we can run all of our appliances - including the 220 dryer - before the final electrical inspection.
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