Alexis and I worked for several hours this afternoon hanging sheet rock. Initially when Aaron and I were hanging "rock," we left the approx 6" space at the bottom of the 8' 6" wall to be filled in later. Subsequently, I realized that leaving the 6" space between the two sheets would make the finishing much easier although I'll have to do a much better job because it will be more visible at the 4' height. Here is some of the sheet rock Alexis and I hung in the utility room (we will finish hanging the 6" strip tomorrow). Our plan is to get this room finished and then to begin moving in the cabinets. We bought a bunch of very nice (but plain) cabinets from Vanderbilt University's medical school for next to nothing. Setting them in place will significantly free up room in the storage building so we can get to other stuff we'll need soon (like the kitchen cabinets and the appliances). I gave our landlady our 30 day notice so we'll have to move in by December 15th and begin camping out. I'm hoping Howell King can get our water hooked up this week now that the house has heat.

Here's a nearly 12' piece we hung in the office... it's yet to be completely screwed to the stud walls. Man, when my
Senco screw gun is working, it's a dream (50 sheet rock screws per plastic belt). Pretty much as fast as you can pull the trigger and "hop" to another spot to be screwed this gun screws and countersinks an 1 1/4" sheet rock screw. It does sometimes jam, however, which is a hassle.

And down the hall (these two sheets will need more screws tomorrow too):
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