Today started VERY early for a Saturday morning... it felt like "O" dark-thirty to me but Howell King called it 7:00 AM. In a civilized society 7:00 AM Saturday morning should be reverently reserved for checking your eye lids for holes... but NO! Actually, I was 15 minutes late and Howell was already making preparations to install the steel mast used to connect the electric service to our house from the Duck River Coop pole. In spite of my early morning grogginess we got the mast up reasonably easily and quickly. It helps immensely to have someone like Howell who has done a job like this a 100 times and knows the ropes. Here's the end result.

We needed some more supplies so I went to Home Depot and Howell rescheduled a service call across town. We met up again early afternoon and started doing things inside the house. Howell began hooking up the electrical panel and I did some odds and ends that needed to be done like pulling romex wire through conduit, etc. Here's a picture of Howell's work of art:

Howell showed me how to "make-up" the receptacle boxes and I got most of them finished by the end of the day. Here I am screwing on a wire nut in the bedroom.

Alexis and her Mom worked all afternoon picking up and cleaning up. It hadn't been done in earnest in several weeks so it was no small job. Here's a couple of pictures of what they got done.
Here's the clean kitchen.

Here's the clean & picked up office... that's all the scrap lumber we have at the moment... you'd think there would be more at this stage of the building process?:
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