I continued to finish Howell King's wiring assignments (the stuff that takes no brains and that which Howell can trust a "college boy" with) which mainly includes running conduit in grooves that I had to saw in the AAC block while making square holes for the metal electrical boxes. Here is the work in progress:

Yesterday I began hooking up the plug-in receptacles, to wit:

Alexis wanted to include a picture of the "thingy" that will hold up the living room ceiling fan:

Since attaching the AAC window trim will take several days because of the weight of the block 2" X 4"s, I started by "Liquid Nailing" the bottom piece of trim on all the windows. To begin this multiple-day process, I nailed a wooden 2" X 4" to the bottom of the window opening so the block would have something to sit on while the glue dried (the wood will be removed when the glue sets up and the vertical block pieces on either side of the windows will sit on the block bottom piece while their glue dries).

So you'll have a better idea of how the trim will be attached, here's a shot of me holding up a vertical piece of the AAC block trim. Stucco will cover the AAC trim as well as the styrofoam behind it. I'll mix up a small batch of concrete and pour an angled sill from the window facing out to the edge of the bottom trim piece to keep water from coming in under the window.

Aaron Gifford came today and finished a bunch of odds and ends-type jobs. Most importantly he adjusted the SW knee wall flashing which was keeping me up nights (shown, below). He used my new "belt-fed" screw gun on Jerry Hawkins 30' ladder to secure some of the HardiPlanks at the tipy-top of the gable end walls (this gun is like a belt-fed machine gun and screws in sheetrock screws... the manufacturer claims that a 4' X 12' sheet of sheetrock can be hung in 60 seconds... I'm not sure I believe that one but it does work pretty well as long as the phillips head bit lasts... two new ones are enroute)... and he continued cleaning up the AAC adhesive "drips" next to the block wall that accumulated while I was laying block (have I mentioned how glad I am that the block laying is FINISHED!?). This needed to be done in preparation for staining the concrete floor. Aaron will come back tomorrow and we'll finish up some more pesky little jobs including more electrical stuff. Howell King can't come back to wrap me up until next Monday afternoon. Hopefully the rough-in inspection will take place next Tuesday and I can start putting up our tin ceiling.
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