was saying sunshine but most of the afternoon it drizzled rain. I'll probably have a relapse of my cold but I worked anyway. I waited as long as I could stand for the sun to peak through like the Internet site had promised before I started working in the on/off rain. When I got to the house site, I realized that I needed scaffolding for the south wall... scaffolding today to lay out the top plate and Tuesday when we - FINALLY - set the trusses. So, the first thing I did was to build scaffolding... it's pretty easy with a wood wall, scrap lumber and my
Paslode propane nail gun (best investment I've made during the project... speeds things up dramatically!):

My stuccoer friend, Sonny - I know you're thinking "Speedy" - Gonzales, came by yesterday for a visit and helped me measure the length of the north and south walls so I'd know if I needed to fudge a little when I laid out the top plate. Happily, my corner to corner measurements were exactly the same so no jury rigging was needed. It is VERY important to have the plate marked correctly north & south so the OSB will go on easily and meet in the middle of each truss rafter for nailing. As you can see I got the brackets attached on 2' centers on the south wall. Tomorrow I'll duplicate my effort on the north wall although I need to make a few changes to what the guys did last week and that may take a while : ( . The trusses will drop into these slots and get screwed as time permits.

Tomorrow - assuming I run into no problems "fixing" and laying out the north wall - I'll nail OSB and HardiPlanks (cement board) to the east & west gable end trusses. It just makes sense to do this work on the ground and let the crane pick it up and set it in place rather than have to do it on a ladder or on scaffolding.

I know this truss has a funky look to it but it forms the outside of my knee wall that the "normal" trusses (i.e. the roof) butt into... kinda like this:
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