The day started with lots of errands: a trip to rent rolling scaffolding for Tuesday's "truss event"; a quick stop at Home Depot to pick up some pressure treated lumber and blades for my reciprocating saw; then over to David Musser's to borrow his staple nailer gun to further nail down the HardiPlank over the OSB (my Paslode nail gun drove the nails too far into the planks and they weren't holding as well as I wanted). Hundreds and hundreds of staples later the HardiPlank aint't going anywhere (a comical note: everytime I pulled the trigger on the stapler, Mosby barked like a seal and continued barking until I was finished... go figure?... he's a strange little dog). It doesn't look any different but believe me these planks are now affixed for the long haul!

During my discussion with the crane-guy he recommended that I cut and have ready 30-35 pieces of 2" X 4"s cut exactly 25 1/2" long to help us secure and align the trusses on Tuesday. Fortunately I have a power miter saw so I gathered up all my scrap 2X4s and cut these in short order.

The south wall needs a little adjustment before Tuesday to make it perfectly plumb so I nailed two very long 2X4s together to act as a gauge and to hold the wall in place and perfectly vertical. It's amazing what a difference that extra 5 1/2" in extra height makes. The living room/dining room/office will feel cavernous with just that little extra height (thanks to Joseph Mansfield for pushing for the added height).

Tomorrow afternoon and Monday will be devoted to more preparation for "truss Tuesday".
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