Alexis and I had a nice surprise this afternoon as we were breaking out the block laying tools. Jack Wilson (my classmate from St Andrews School, 1964) and his wife, Linda, drove down from Gainesboro, Tennessee to visit. They have been following our blog and wanted to see our building progress first hand. Jack and Linda just built their own home so their nice - "we've been there... done that" - comments were greatly appreciated. We visited for a couple of hours and since Sir John Templeton hadn't invited us down for tea we crashed his party and drove up to his library... Alexis and Linda were in the front of the pickup truck while Jack and I lounged in lawn chairs in the truck bed. A limo would probably have been more appropriate just in case Sir John would have recognized us and sent his man servant out with an engraved invitation... sorry... I get delusional in the hot sun.
After Jack and Linda left we got busy laying another course of block on the north wall. I am having fits keeping the wall straight and plumb and get VERY frustrated trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Thank God for sheet rock and stucco to cover my mistakes. Nothing I've done will compromise the structural integrity of the house but in the meantime it's driving me NUTS! Here's a shot just before the sun went down at 8:00 PM:
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