He'd hoped to lay another few courses of block, but the weather had other plans, including some pretty sharp cracks of thunder and a hard rain mid-afternoon. We went to alternate plan B and began to move a few boxes from the container to the storage building. We were also looking for the ceramic filters to our water filter system; alas, they're still MIA somewhere in a box in the container (think final scene in "Raiders of the Lost Ark"). However I did come across my CD file which contains several CDs of power points I use during the school year. If we can get the contents of the container into our storage building, we'll have one less expense and I can begin to create my "lasagna garden" for next year.
The 'square foot garden' is doing alright, but I took too long trying to find the coarse vermiculite recommended. Finally I did a compromise of half perlite and half horticultural vermiculite. The green peppers and squashes are doing well, but the tomatoes are a bit anemic. The "upside down/bucket" tomatoes didn't work at all.
Ever the optimist, I am eagerly awaiting delivery of my 4 heirloom roses from Oregon's Heirloom Roses. My selections include "Zephirine Drouhin" an 1868 climbing rose (which will grow up the front of our cottage around one of the windows), "Great Maiden's Blush" "Apothecary's Rose" and "Rosa Mundi" shown below. These last 3 have their origins around the 12th century (1100s). Many thanks to Dave's brother, Steve, for steering me to Heirloom Roses!
"Rosa Mundi"

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