How can anyone NOT love
CraigsList!? Long before we got access to our land and were able to start building our house in earnest I began haunting and was able to buy an awful lot of house stuff at incredible prices (under the "material" & "general" headings):

Here are some of the deals I have snatched up over the preceding 24 months:
~ All of our kitchen cabinets (quoting the seller's wife, "...these cabinets just aren't me") which have hand painted murals (baby chicks, ducks, etc.) on the doors (the people threw in an essentially NEW $1500 jacuzzi tub & vanity/laboratory for FREE!... "just haul it off")
~ $3000 worth of
Corian for $15 that we will use to line the walls around the FREE jacuzzi tub plus a bunch more FREE stuff just to haul away)
~ All of our windows for 25 cents on the dollar (most are NEW
Pellas to go on the front of the house.. the rest are NEW name brand units for the passive solar south wall); both leaded glass exterior doors for less than 1/2 price
~ Refrigerator, $1200 washing machine (for $150)
~ Kitchen counter tops, bathroom mirrors, Kohler double kitchen sink with very nice faucet & a shower enclosure (I discovered a repairable crack in the fiberglass and she gave us the unit to haul away... I fixed the $300 enclosure for a $25 fiberglass repair kit)
~ Fiberglass laminated plywood that I initially built my foundation forms out of and later used the forms to build the floor and walls of our 16' X 20' storage building
~ ... and today we bought enough
HardiPlanks to cover both gables and the south wall so they can be stuccoed along with the AAC block (we got these concrete/fiber planks for less than 1/2 price even factoring in gas to Nashville and back)

Making mention of these deals is not meant to brag on my haggling skills but to encourage you to consider CraigsList for both buying and selling.