As of this afternoon we are electrified! Our temporary pole passed inspection and Lee Pettes, the Duck River Electric Coop supervisor, can be seen below "plugging us in." I've been struggling with getting over my gout for over a week so I've not made much progress since our last post 4/21/08. Tomorrow's the BIG day when I start laying the first course of AAC block. Getting the first course level is VERY important so David Musser brought his transit over late this afternoon and we shot the grade on the four corners. The first course will be slow going because I have to get it PERFECTLY level so the rest of the blocks will go up quickly and easily. I met with Joseph Sumpter this morning about our putting in a rain water collection system. Collecting our own rain water will move us one step closer to being off the grid - our ultimate long term goal.
This is Lee Pettes installing our meter:

Here's the Duck River boom truck connecting the electric wire from the pole on the road to the temporary power pole on our property:

David and I have just completed shooting the grade on all 4 corners of the house so I can begin laying the AAC block tomorrow morning. Baxter is bravely guarding the pallets of block.
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