This is a picture taken from the head of our driveway looking west towards Sir John Templeton's library which is a mile down the road on the bluff. Sir John (a billionaire and founder of the Franklin-Templeton Fund) built a $33 million library to house his books (presently there is not a single volume in the library) and to glorify Sir John. There's even a painted, life-size statue of himself, briefcase in hand, striking out from Franklin County as a young man to seek his fortune. The library looks like it belongs on the set of a horror movie... VERY out of character with the mountain and in a word... noveau riche.

This is a picture taken at the head of our driveway looking east towards Sherwood Road. You can see the white truck on Sherwood Road so you can see that our driveway is about 800' in off the main road. Ain't spring in Tennessee BEAUTIFUL!?

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