I picked up our 13 baby ducks this afternoon on the way back from a doctor's appointment in Murfreesboro. "Cute" isn't quite adequate to describe these little quackers. We'll keep them inside the house in a BIG Rubbermaid tub (under a light for heat) until the weather warms up a bit... they are VERY sensitive to cold... sensitive to the point of, if the temperature drops below 70 degrees they fall over dead. Gotta keep 'em warm. Happily, once they are grown they are very hearty. Looks like it will be touch and go for a few weeks as we become seasoned duck wranglers. Then it will be an additional 4 months before the hens start laying. This assumes of course that we didn't get 13 drakes. Here's a picture of our pile of baby ducks:

Last week I was at my buddy Ed Russell's "antique" shop in Monteagle. Alexis and I were in need of some kind of towel storage thingie for the master bath... shelving, cabinets... something? I looked across Ed's shop and spotted the perfect weirdness in keeping with my reputation for marching to a different drummer. I quickly did a barter trade with Ed... we take turns cheating each other... I can't remember whether it was my turn to cheat him or vice versa? Nevertheless I traded an old sofa for his cow wine rack. Ed is extraordinarily talented with welding, metal work, etc. so he took his torch and cut every other row of bottle racks off to make more space for towels. In keeping with my description of myself "delightfully eccentric, yet unrefined" here is our NEW cow towel rack:

We use to fill up the bathtub and let the baby ducks swim. At that age they don't have oil on their feathers, so they can get water logged. Need to keep your eye on them. They would then sit on our laps on a towel to dry off as we watched television. I ended up digging a pond for them to swim in. Have fun with your babies.
I want one! Cow towel rack, that is, not a barrel of duckies. I have no where for them to roam, ur, run (they are Indian runners right?)
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