I promised Alexis that I'd get the living room and dining room ready for Thanksgiving so she could do her "homemaker" thing. I did and she did... she has really made the "very fine house" I built her a home. Here are a few shots of the dining room just before our Thanksgiving celebration:

My friend Roger Gertz's son-in-law works for Shaw Industries (carpet manufacturers) and he was able to get us some 2' X 2' commercial carpet squares (stacked in the lower left corner of this picture) and a brand new 10' X 10' bound piece of carpet which we used in the dining room. We like the look of the stained concrete but have been VERY disappointed in its durability... besides sealed concrete is so slick Baxter walks on it much like Bambi did on the ice... Big "B's" being marooned on a 5' X 7' piece of carpet is bumming out our VLD (VLD = Very Large Dog). The carpet squares are beautiful and will allow normal mobility for Big "B."

This was the center piece for Thanksgiving... pretty, huh!?

I get to be with Ethan & Baby Caleb in Tulsa a week from Sunday... EXCITING, huh!?... here's Ethan... he'll be 2 on December 3rd:

Here Caleb doing his best banana impersonation with his Daddy (Phillip Dail):

As a point of interest... we are now drinking our rainwater (collected in these tanks):

...and filtered through our "Big Berky":

The rainwater gets poured into the left vessel (with the white ceramic filters/"candles" in view). The top vessel with the "questionable" water is stacked on the second stainless container (right) and the water leaches through the barely porous filters into the bottom container where we draw off the filtered rain water.
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