I was able to track down Aaron Gifford (my helper who is able to climb like a squirrel) this morning and we got our two "rain barrels" installed and hooked up. He also was able to significantly enlarge the dog pen and install a "thingie" on the bottom of both exterior doors that will keep mice from sneaking in under the door (Alexis is like most women... she doesn't like mice in her kitchen).
Now we have to wait for rain. Actually I couldn't find my PVC glue this afternoon so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to permanently hook-up the spigot at the bottom outlet. We'll begin to use the rainwater immediately to drink and cook (running it through our Big Berkey filter first).

Last Monday my two local moving-guys - Sammy Dee (400#) and his "little" brother Fuzzy (only 350#) - came over and we got some of the really heavy things moved from the storage building into the house (these guys are good... I think that given a weekend they could pick this house up and move it over 6"). We are now at a point where we can begin to unpack and finally get settled instead of living out of a suitcase in a construction site (the living room/dining room are still not finished). Here is a shot of the bedroom with the basics in place on the newly stained floor (if you look closely, you can see I still need to touch up the corner between the "Orange Spice" and the "Vanilla Delight" and my homemade bed frame needs a skirt).

One of the main things we got moved in was my Mama's book shelf which allows us to begin unpacking books of which there are MANY because Alexis is an ardent "paper & ink" book reader and historian. Emptying the storage building frees up room in there and lets us move tools and assorted "stuff" out of the house. Here's the bookshelf in the process of being filled (the shelves face the computer desk and the windows):

And to vent politically I make these bumper stickers:

Wow! I like that rainwater collection system.....
Awesome! Looks like you are set now once it rains :) I love the stickers. I want a Climate change one :)
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