Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In Loving Memory of My Big Buddy Baxter

I am deeply grieved to report that Baxter, my dear doggie friend of 10 years, passed over this morning to the "Rainbow Bridge" (below). This blog post is to honor his life and faithfulness. I am a life-long dog lover but this pooch was really special. I truly believe dogs are a gift from God. He provided us with dogs to teach us many Godly examples:
  • Unconditional love
  • Faithfulness/Loyalty
  • Instant forgiveness
  • They never worry about what to wear or whether you will feed them
  • Dogs want to spend time with you like God wants you to spend time with Him
  • They will forsake their own to be with you
  • You are the center of their universe
Thank you, Lord for Baxter's life... wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge, big boy.
I love you, Baxter,
Your Best Buddy Dave
(with a tear in his eye and a hole in his heart)
************** My video tribute to Baxter's life

************ The Rainbow Bridge (please click on this image to enlarge)
************ God and Dog